MSPDA Dart Tournament at Grand Casino Hinckley

Dart players from across the state of Minnesota competed in the MSPDA Dart Tournament at Grand Casino Hinckley on October 15-17, 2021. Metro State Players Dart Association (MSPDA) has hosted this tournament every fall since 2011 with the exception of 2020 due to the pandemic. MSPDA is a collaboration of 7 Minnesota operators: American Amusement Arcades (AAA), Aspen, Dean Vending, D&R Star, Eagle, Hazelwood, and Superior. Players must qualify through one of these league operators to compete.
Top AAA Winners At MSPDA
Several AAA dart players won first or second place in different levels and events at the tournament. The Dubliner (Jason Lyons, Jeff Ankeny, Joe Larson, and John Grindal) won 1st place in Level 7 Team Cricket. The team has taken 2nd place in this same event and level for the past couple of years, so they were excited to win the top spot for 2021!
Doesn’t Even Matter (Nicole Laudon, Jena Middelstadt, Jessie Syrdal, and Heather Beverson) won 1st place in Level 6 Team Cricket. Nicole and Jessie also competed together in Level 7 Open Doubles 501 and took 2nd place.
Jake Schreiber and Mike Rydeen won 2nd place for both Level 1 Open Doubles 501 and Level 1 Open Doubles Combo. The pair also took 2nd place in Level 1 Team Cricket along with their Flight Factions Expendables teammates Abby Spott and James McConnell.
Bull Throttle (Keith Bloomquist, Salome Bloomquist, Makenzie Gunderson, and Antonio Bloomquist) took 2nd place in Level 6 Team Cricket. Makenzie was also one of two lucky winners of a free night stay at Grand Casino Hinckley plus Grand Play and food vouchers.
Additional AAA winners include: I Remember My First 9 team consisting of David Laudon, Cody Dyson, Geoff Berning, and Dale Lemieux (1st place Level 2 Team Cricket), Mike Anzaldi and John Stefani (1st place Level 3 Open Doubles Combo), Nick Melin and Tyler Radcliff (1st place Level 4 Open Doubles 501), and Troy Hughes and Troy Kuchta (2nd place Level 3 Open Doubles Combo).
To see where all of our AAA players placed, view the MSPDA results.
Save the Date for 2022
The 11th Annual MSPDA Dart Tournament will be held October 20-23, 2022 at Grand Casino Hinckley. For more information, visit the MSPDA Facebook page.