2024 TOC Winners From Our AAA Dart Leagues

The annual Tournament of Champions (TOC) hosted by Partners Promoting Darts (PPD) was held October 5-8, 2024, at the KCI Expo Center in Kansas City. This year’s events included TOC Triples, Men’s & Women’s Cricket Singles Invitational (CSI), Cricket Mixed Doubles Invitational (CDI), and TOC Finale Day with 4 levels. Several Minnesota dart players from our American Amusement Arcades (AAA) leagues and D&R Star leagues competed and won.
Top AAA Winners at 2024 TOC
Congratulations to AAA’s Jake Schreiber and his partner Alex Baumann (Midwest Amusements) for winning 1st place in the 2024 Men’s Pro Finale! Both men won $2,500 each. Jake also took 1st place in the Tuesday AM Trips No Cap event with Brett Hollinday and Corey Beck, both from MCC of WI.
AAA’s Ryley Anderson and partner Corey Goetz (WWDL) took 4th place in the Men’s Pro Finale. Ryley also won 1st place Division 8 in the Saturday AM Trips with Chad Broege (Midstate Amusement) and Taylor Branson (MG Leagues) as well as 4th place Division 9 in the Monday AM Trips with Scott Hennings (Troy Vending) and Josh DeKeysert (D&D Amusement Games).
In the Men’s Master Finale, AAA’s Jalen Romero took home 4th place with partner Jeff Steele (B+G Amusement). In addition, Jalen won 1st place Division 1 in both the Saturday AM Trips and Sunday PM Trips, as well as 2nd place Division 1 in Tuesday PM Trips – all with Star City Amusement’s Ram Guevara and Tiffany Mathews.
Other notable AAA and D&R Star winners:
* 1st place Division 10 Sunday PM Trips = Ben Regner, Cole Kuesel, Ryan Grenstein
* 1st place Division 10 Monday AM Trips = Ryan Grenstein, Cole Kuesel, Troy Hughes
* 1st place Division 11 Monday AM Trips = Lisa McCormick, Todd Riggs, Kelli Wise (Troy Vending)
* 2nd place Division 6 Sunday AM Trips = Derek Hendrickson, Ben Regner, Jeremy Lehn
* 3rd place Division 1 Monday AM Trips = Geoff Berning, Daryl Cortez (Star City Amusement), Jim Lambert (Abraham Amusement)
* 3rd place Division 3 Tuesday PM Trips = Derek Hendrickson, Alexandre Parkin, Dennis McGowan
* 3rd place Division 9 Tuesday PM Trips = Shannon VonKaenel, Andy VonKaenel, Troy Hughes
* 3rd place Division 11 Saturday AM Trips = Danna Williams, Cole Kuesel, Ryan Grenstein
* 11th-12th place Women’s Elite Finale = Tricia Romero & Kelly Meares (West Coast Darters of FL)
* 15th-16th place Women’s Elite Finale = Abby Spott & CiCi Thorn (Stansfield Vending)
Qualify to Play at TOC in 2024
The TOC is a coveted tournament for dart competition. Throughout the year, players can earn points for league and tournament participation to qualify for a voucher for entrance into the TOC. Both AAA and D&R Star are happy to be members of PPD. We offer traveling, in-house, and remote dart league competition in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area. AAA also hosts several TOC qualifying dart tournaments throughout the year. Call Dawn at 952-887-5292 or email leagues@aaapoolndarts.com for more information about local dart leagues and tournament competition.
Partners Promoting Darts provides access to the largest network of leagues in North America. They host the annual TOC which is the largest paying dart event in North America. For more information, visit www.dartstoc.com.