2019 National ATM Council (NAC) Recap

Report from 2019 National ATM Council (NAC) Meeting
by Dan Lieberman
Greetings. The annual National ATM Council show just wrapped up in Las Vegas. Here are a few highlights from the meeting.
CDS WorldPay Migration
- Updates were made to the network which should eliminate communication errors that have popped up randomly when the ATM was actually working fine.
- The CDS app will be refreshed in the first quarter of 2020. The “remember me” feature is not working currently and will be updated. See inset box below for tips on setting alerts in the CDS portal.
If you have questions on how to maximize your experience with the CDS portal, please contact Trina.
Bank Account Closures
NAC, along with AMOA, continues to lobby legislators about this issue. A key section of the bank examiner handbook governing ATMs will be revised next year to help reduce the confusion of regulators. The language was drafted by NAC and is ATM friendly.
Bitcoin ATM
There were 9 companies with Bitcoin ATM products ranging from an extra-large machine with other functions like gift cards, phone cards, etc., to smaller units with a software program that can be added to your ATM. If you are interested, please let us know and we can provide more details.
If you have any questions about the ATM business, contact Dan.